Join us this Sunday
Is it your first Sunday with us?
Finding us
Equippers Burwood is located in a business park near the intersection of Huntingdale and Highbury Roads. There are two driveways on Highbury Road through which you can enter, we recommend using the western one (furthest from Huntingdale Road).
Look out for the red flags and our hosting team who will then guide you to the building main entrance.
We have access to car parking on site. If attending on a Sunday please just enter the car park and you will be directed by our hosting team where to go.
If you are visiting us during business hours please drive to the back of the car park and then turn right into the enclosed area directly at the rear of our building. Feel free to park in any available spots.
If it's your first time visiting us, then your coffee is on us! After the service, come to the Lounge where some of our friendly team will get you a coffee. We look forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have.
Check In
On arrival near the main entrance, you'll find our Equippers Kids Team at the kids 'check in' desk. You'll be able to meet some of our amazing kids leaders, ask any questions you may have, and check your child/ren in.
Our kids check in opens 15 minutes before each service begins, so if it's your first time, we'd love to encourage you to arrive a little earlier to allow time to register your child/ren.
The kids spend the whole service in kids church with their own praise and worship time, a message from the Bible and of course a whole lot of fun and activities.
Parents' Room
A private space is provided within our auditorium, at the end of the hallway, for new parents and their babies, where you won’t miss out, because you’re still able to see and hear the service.
12 months - 5 year olds
Prep - Grade 6

Ps Andrew & Karen Shepherd
G’day! We are Andrew and Karen Shepherd. We have 3 adult children and a granddaughter. We have been married almost 40 years. We spent 30 years as kid’s pastors and the last 10 years leading campuses in Bristol UK and currently in the great city of Melbourne. We have a passion to reach, equip and release disciples.

Join a small group?
Join an eGroupWays to Give
Credit Card
Give via Tithe.lyInternet Banking
Account Name:
Equippers Church Burwood
Account Number:
14 001 1991
085 005
Tithes / Miracle / Other (please specify)
On Sunday
Please see the team at the Giving Location
We'd love to hear from you
Church Office
144 Highbury Rd, Burwood, VIC, 3125
Office Parking
There is reserved parking next to the building in the Business Park.